Be Prepared For Storm Damage
7/21/2020 (Permalink)

When most people think of the word "storm", they think about thunder, lightning, high winds and heavy rain. We, here at SERVPRO of Des Moines SW & East, help monitor and prepare for these situations like any other, and they are contained to a few months out of the year. When monitoring and preparing for a “storm,” SERVPRO has to take into consideration any occurrence that is going to affect multiple homes or businesses in an area. For example, when the temperatures drop below freezing in the winter for a period of time, homes and businesses alike have the risk of their water pipes freezing and bursting and leaving a mess. Another great example of a “storm” situation that SERVPRO prepares for is Tornado season. In any situation, SERVPRO’s goal is to be prepared and ready to respond within minutes no matter if it's rain or freezing temperatures. We are Here to Help no matter the day or weather.